Wednesday, November 15, 2017

VIDEO: Woman fights Ikeja Electric staff trying to disconnect her electricity in Ikorodu, Lagos

An unidentified woman was seen in this video below angrily fighting a staff of the Ikeja Electric plc for trying to disconnect her power supply.


As shared on the official Facebook page of Ikeja Electric Plc
In the course of carrying out their lawful duties, our staff are often assaulted by ‘consumers’ who attempt to prevent them from performing their responsibilities.
This video is a typical illustration and it captures an irate woman, a resident of Igbogbo in Ikorodu, threatening to harm an IE staff who was in the process of disconnecting her from power supply because she has consistently failed to pay her electricity bill. 
In a show of utter recklessness, she threw caution as well as her dignity and wrapper to the wind, to demonstrate her penchant for violence while raining curses on the member of staff who was only doing his job.

She was so incensed that she failed to see the risk of electrocution she exposed herself to by touching the ladder without any protective gear on. The situation could also have quickly escalated beyond control if the ladder lost its footing and caused our staff serious bodily harm or worse.

It took the intervention of other residents of the community to contain her.
Ikeja Electric wishes to remind the general public that we maintain our zero tolerance stance on assault on any member of staff and will not hesitate to seek legal redress against any person who assaults any member of staff.

Assault is an offence punishable under Nigerian law and we shall ensure that justice is served on persons found guilty of assaulting our staff.
We have put various channels in place to address customer complaints and we are using this medium to advise aggrieved customers to seek redress through the appropriate channels.


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