Saturday, January 6, 2018

Group seeks investigation into diversion of relief materials


Stop Genocide Action Group has called on the government to investigate alleged diversion of relief materials meant for victims of the Numan ethnic crisis in Adamawa State.

The group’s spokesman, Prof. Sali Nana, in a statement, yesterday, said investigating the diversion was necessary to alleviate the suffering of the victims.

“We wish to draw attention to the unprecedented diversion of relief aids meant for the victims of the recent ethnic conflict in Numan and its surrounding communities in Adamawa.”

The group, according to the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) claimed that of the 1,200 bags of millet meant for Fulani victims, only 160 bags were delivered, while 200 bags of cements, 200 bundles of zinc and roofing nails disappeared.

It also cited another instance where the state government provided N150,000 for every cattle lost during one of the crises, but victims received only N17,000 per cattle.


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