Saturday, January 6, 2018

Firdaus Amasa awaits Reps resolution of hijab controversy before legal action

House of Representatives

The Nigerian Law School graduate denied access to the call to bar ceremony, Miss Firdaus Amasa, has said she would await the resolution of the Federal House of Representatives before taking any legal action.

Amasa was denied entrance to the venue because she insisted on wearing her hijab.

In a telephone interview, yesterday, Amasa said she would take legal action because she did not believe the resolution mechanism of the Council of Legal Education and the Body of Benchers would give her justice.

It will be recalled that during the controversy, the Nigerian Law School announced its decision to meet with the Body of Benchers to resolve the crisis.

Amasa said she had not received any communication in that regard.

Meanwhile, another Muslim law graduate, Aisha Zubair, reportedly said she was forced to remove her hijab by officials of the Council of Legal Education and the Nigerian Law School during the last call-to-bar ceremony.

In its reaction to the controversy, the Muslim Lawyers’ Association of Nigeria had reportedly described the action of the Nigerian Law School and Body of Benchers as unlawful.

A text message sent yesterday to the Secretary, Council of Legal Education, Mrs. Elizabeth Max Uba, wanting an update on the issue was not acknowledged.


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