Sunday, January 7, 2018

Benue killings: Displaced cries out, we are dying of hunger

Those who are displaced as a result of New year attacked and killings by suspected Fulani herdsmen in Logo Local government area said they are drying of hunger .

Inhabitants of Azege, Tse – Zungwe, Anyibe ,Gbeleve and mbakighir villages displaced in the attacked are now taking shelter in Ayilamo, headquarters of Tombo ward ,in Logo local government area of Benue state .

When newsmen visited the LGEA primary school camp Ayilamo ,most of the displaced among them, nursing mothers ,children and old men were seen squating on bare floor in classrooms.

To worsen matters ,the classooms had no windows and there is serious harmattan now in the area .

A 40 year old man Unange ugo revealed that he escaped from his home with nothing on him ,except the cloths on his body .

” We saw the Fulani herdmens shooting people and burning houses in the next village so I hurriedly took my family and we ran to safety ” ugo.
” Since we arrived here in this temporary camp me and my wife have not seen any food ,we only drank garri and sleep “.he said .

Another victim , a pregnant woman Mrs .Mary Gbanger , said she escaped ahead of her husband with two children ,but later heard from other family members that husband was shot and killed by herdsmen .

” My husband was shot and killed but I escaped with two children ,since we came to Ayilalamo town ,there is no food I only survived on the good will of the people in Ayilamo town who cook and gave us” said Mrs.Gbanger .

She appealed to the state and federal government to help them with relief materials like food ,sleeping mats.

Investigations revealed that there is no water in the camp as most of the displaced are even afraid to trek long distance in search of water for fear of unknown .

There is possibility of outbreak of disease if the displaced continued to leave in the temporary camp with out basic amenities.

Even though Governor Samuel Ortom has directed the State Emergency Management Agency ( SEMA) to set up designated camps for the victims ,officials of the agency are yet to arrived the camp in Ayilamo.

Meanwhile, Governor Samuel Ortom said those who were killed in the attacked will be giving a state burial on Thursday.

Governor Ortom described those killed as hero of anti -open grazing prohibition Law.

He said no going back on the law as that is the only way to solved herders – farmers clashes.

He said there is population explosion and the land is no longer there like in the fifties .


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