Sunday, December 10, 2017

NUJ condemns call for sales of some Federal Government’s agencies


The Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ), Lagos State Council, has condemned the call by a serving senator that some federal agencies should be sold.

The union’s condemnation was contained in a communiqué it issued late Saturday night after its December monthly congress held at the Ladi Lawal Press Centre, Ikeja.

The union during the congress deliberated on issues affecting its members as well as the state of the nation.

In the communiqué signed by its chairman, Dr. Quaseem Akinreti said, “The Congress condemns in totality the call for the sales of some national commonwealth such as the Nigerian Television Authority( NTA) the National Theatre, Federal Radio Corporation of Nigeria(FRCN) and the Voice of Nigeria,(VON), as canvassed by a member of the National Assembly.

“The congress calls for the appropriate funding of these National Assets and other MDAs so that they will continue to generate employment opportunities for the nation.’’

On beat associations, it urged owners of media houses to pay their staff as and when due to ensure decorum in the journalism practice.

It condemned situations whereby some media owners owned their staffers several months of unpaid salary arrears.

The congress also called on the NUJ at the national and state levels to always monitor activities of beat associations with a view to sanctioning those found to be involved in unethical conducts.

On issues affecting members, it advised that all relevant stakeholders in the media industry should always be involved in taking unanimous decisions before such decisions were implemented.

“It calls for a reorientation of members on proper conduct at assignments and the remodeling of beat associations in the line of professionalism.’’

The congress, however, kicked against corrupt tendencies among members, while calling for the enforcement of rules guiding against unethical behaviours within the profession.

The congress also decried the abandoning of the pursuance of the minimum Wage/Media Enhancement Bill by the national body of the union.

“It promises to take the lead by submitting to the Lagos State House of Assembly a Media Enhancement Bill that will stipulate the guidelines to be adhered to by intending media owners in the state regarding salaries for their would-be workers.’’

The congress also frowned at the upsurge of fake journalists in Lagos State and planned a review of journalists’ biometrics in 2018 to curb the menace.

It also decried the incessant harassments of journalists by security operatives while on lawful duty in the communique.

The congress said that it would through its state executive inaugurate a security chapel for public relations officers from the armed forces and other security agencies to forge cordial relations between the two organisations.


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