Friday, December 8, 2017

Kano varsity commences e-examination next session

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The Kano University of Science and Technology (KUST), Wudil, is to commence computer-based examination from the next academic session.

With this, the institution would join league of Information Communication Technology (ICT)-driven higher institutions in the conduct of examinations from a written-based to electronics system in the country.  

Its Vice Chancellor, Prof Shehu Musa, said the plan was part of his visions to integrate the university into an academic centre of excellence with mutual linkages and collaboration with foreign and national institutions.

Musa, who spoke at a press briefing, noted that with over 2,800 new computer sets provided at the new ICT Center constructed by the Nigerian Communication Commission (NCC) with broadband Internet facility, the university would be fully ICT compliance.

He stated that the institution, under his leadership, has expanded students’ enrolment from 8,000 in the last four years to 15,738, with 5,000-admission quota, compared to the previous 1,000.

The vice chancellor explained that the increase in the carrying-capacity of the university was not unconnected to the establishment of additional faculties and departments to expand the frontier of academic excellence, adding that KUST, within the spans of four years of his tenure, secured accreditation of all its 21 academic programmes by the National Universities Commission (NUC).

He said: “When we came into office, we outlined a seven-point agenda to achieved and I can report that all the targets have been fulfilled. These include expanding the frontiers of academic programmes; ensuring quality assurance; creating collaboration and linkages with national and international institutions; improving our internally generated revenue; ICT compliance; enhancing welfare of staff and students; and host community development.

“When we came, we met shortage of manpower, both in academic and non-academic, and with the support enjoyed from the Visitor of the university, we were able to employ over 200 staff. Now, the university has 400 permanent and pensionable staff, up from 191.

“We have been also promoted 20 senior lecturers to the ranks of professors and readers. Already, 42 lecturers have just completed their PhD’s and 70 are still pursing their PhD.”

Musa, who regretted that the university was still contending with ecological challenge, especially during the raining session, expressed optimistic that the federal government would soon approved its request to check the incessant degradation.


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