Monday, December 18, 2017

Government bans mining at Okpella in Edo State over licence dispute

It’s hearsay, says BUA
The Federal Government has banned lime stone mining activities in all disputed sites in Okpella, Edo State.This followed the dispute between Dangote Group and BUA group.

According to the state Governor, Godwin Obaseki, the ban became necessary to avert a break down of law and order in the area.He had during a meeting with leaders and elders of Okpella community at the Government House told the parties involved that the Federal Government ordered the ban because the matter was already in court.

He said: “We are following the rule of law, which is that there is a dispute, it is not unusual to have disputes over assets, but there are laid down methods at resolving disputes of this nature. What we understand, as a government is that there is a dispute or claim between two parties over an existing mining right and the mining act of 2007 is quite clear. The Federal Ministry of Mines decides on how to award or issue leases.
“In this particular case, there are multiple claims and they had all gone to court. We have a letter from the Federal Ministry of Mines and Power instructing that the party currently mining that particular site should vacate pending the outcome of the decision in court.

“So the position of Edo State government today is that court orders must be obeyed, and also the Federal Government´s instruction should be obeyed, that mine should be shut until the outcome or the determination of the case in court.”
Also, the spokesman and the lawyer of Okpella community, Ayuba Giwa, said: “What we are saying in our response to the reference of the matter to the presidency is that we blame the Federal Ministry of Mines and Solid Minerals, which ought to be more prudent in granting mineral license. We implore all parties to abide by the rule of law, which includes that in 1994, Okpella took this matter to the Federal High Court in Benin and judgment was given in its favour of Okpella.
But the Group Head, Corporate Communications at BUA, Mr. Otega Ogra, said in a statement last that: “Our position on this matter remains very clear. Just as the Edo State government said in its statement, this is an issue that no state government has jurisdiction over, as it is a federal issue.

“It is however interesting to note that the mine under contention, ML2541, has been claimed repeatedly by the Ministry of Mines and Dangote to be in Okene, Kogi State.  Thus, we are curious and are at great loss as to why the governor of Edo State is closing down the mine which other parties outside his state are also laying claims to.”

He added: “The ministry had written to us prior to this and our response was published in our open letter to His Excellency, The President of the Federal Republic of Nigeri, Muhammadu Buhari, on December 4, 2017. This case remains in a competent court of jurisdiction, which had ordered all parties BUA, Dangote, Ministry of Mines and others, to maintain the status quo and we would continue to abide by the dictates of the court as a responsible corporate citizen.
“We are however, yet to receive some form of official communication asking us to close our mining sites, ML18912 and ML18913 in the state. This alleged closing down report still remains in the territory of hearsay. We will respond accordingly when and if we get an official communication from the proper authorities.”



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