Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Egbeyemi lists benefits of extracurricular activities to pupils

Proprietress of The Foreshore School, Ikoyi, Lagos, Mrs. Olubunmi Egbeyemi, has advised education managers across the country to discover and hone pupils’ skills through extra curricular activities, saying it is capable of helping them achieve more in academics, develop social skills and live healthy lifestyles.

Speaking during the school’s Christmas concert, in which pupils thrill their parents with soft tunes, drama and instrumental piece, Egbeyemi said teaching and learning should not be restricted to the four walls of the classroom, adding that helping pupils to develop their abilities, enable and equip them with the right and life skills that will aid them navigate the challenges of life.

She said pupils with multiple talents when given the right environment to explore and exercise their potentials early in life have greater opportunity to thrive in their chosen career.

She urged education providers to against all odds endeavour to create time during and after school for pupils to explore their talents through indoor and outdoor sporty activities, maintain that the benefits worth the extra effort.

She said, “On our part we try to through our indoor and outdoor extra curricular activities discover and hone pupils talents depending on their area of specialty.

Some of them are good in music, swimming, basketball, some in playing musical instrument, scrambles, chess, football, taekwondo and even robotics. We give them opportunity to follow what they love doing and have great interest in it. Learning is not about sitting in the classroom. All these activities are also part of learning.


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