Saturday, November 25, 2017

Lagos Photo Festival kicks off, run still December 15

Lagos Photo Festival. PHOTO:

The eight edition of the Annual Lagos Photo Festival begins November 24, running through to December 15, 2017, at the African Artistsí Foundation, the main venue of the event. Satellite venues are Gallery 16/16, The Studio, Quintessence, Yaba College of Science and Technology, and A Whitespace, Lagos.

According to its organisers, influential literary thinkers from the 19th and 20th century such as Gustave Flaubert in his ëLíEmpire de la Betisí (The Empire of Stupidity), and Orwellís concepts from his dystopian ë1984í, as well as the writings of Foucault, Achebe and Huxley, provide the rumination that has shaped this edition of the festival titled, ëRegimes of Truthí.

A statement by the organisers said there are two major historical events that continue to define the global visual representation of Africa and both historic events happened in Nigeria: the Nigeria Civil War, with the declaration of the nation state of Biafra and the Second World Black and African Festival of Arts and Culture also known as FESTAC 77.

The latterís attempt to redress the damage done to the image and representation of Africa in the media clearly did not attain its full potential and Lagos Photo will explore the legacy of FESTAC and the Nigeria Civil War.

This yearís lineup of exhibitions and events is expansively experiential in scope, transforming attendees from spectators to an integral part of the festivalís landscape.î

Some of the artists expected at the festival include Lubabetu Abubakar (Nigeria); Medina Dugger (USA); Mohammed Althoum (Sudan); Bas Losekoot (The Netherlands); Jody Brand (South Africa); Mohammed Althoum (Sudan); Lorena Ros (Spain); Francois Beaurain (France); Nicola Lo Calzo (Italy); and David Magnusson (Sweden).


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