Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Bel-Molokwu’s Trilogy of Advertising for launch tomorrow

Josef Bel-Molokwu

The public presentation of a new book: A Trilogy of Advertising – The profession, the practice and philosophy authored by Dr. Josef Bel-Molokwu, former Registrar/Chief Executive of the Advertising Practitioners Council of Nigeria (APCON) will hold on Thursday, November 16, 2017 at the Media Centre, News Agency of Nigeria, Iganmu, Lagos.

The 472-page work pays rich attention to the practice situation in Nigeria, dwelling deservedly on APCON and its revitalizing role in the growth of advertising in Nigeria, in the process highlighting moments of advertising as well as some beacons of this growth.

The book also brings up two interrogative issues: Should there not be a generic name to describe practitioners of advertising, like other professionals, rather than the extant phrasal description? and should advertising not be based on a Quintupod, rather than the extant Tripod, considering the unassailable importance of the Regulator and the consumer in contemporary marketing communication?

With a forward by eminent Fellow of advertising, Mr. Mac Ovbiagele, the book has a peculiar intellectual bend said to stand the author out as the first Nigerian author of a book on advertising and which opened the door for Nigerian scholars into producing books on advertising.

The book, which the author said took years to actualize, was in his words a crowning opus of his decades of focus on the intellectual and sublime faces of advertising over the commercial.


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