Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Total sponsors SOS Children’s Village house in Jos

Corporate Affairs Manager, Mr. Albert Mabuyaku (left) and the CSR Manager, Mrs. Chinwe Ifechigha, presenting the SOS Jos sponsorship cheque to Ms. Ashionye Enumah.

Total Nigeria Plc has taken on additional corporate sponsorship of one house within the SOS Children’s Villages Nigeria, this time in Jos, Plateau State.

Prior to this time, the company has been sponsoring three houses of 10 children each at the Isolo Village in Lagos State, Owu-Ijebu Village in Ogun State, and Gwagwalada Village in FCT Abuja, and now, Jos Plateau State, bringing to four the total number of houses sponsored by the company with the SOS Villages in Nigeria.

The official inclusion of one house from the SOS Jos Village was commemorated on Tuesday, July 11, with the presentation of the annual sponsorship cheque to the village, received by the SOS Children’s Villages National Fundraising Coordinator, Ms. Ashionye Enumah.

Total Nigeria Plc has been in partnership with the SOS children’s villages since September 2010 when it commenced the first corporate sponsorship with the Lagos village and has continued till date to support these houses every year as part of its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in the spheres of education, social and economic development.

It also has running side by side the corporate sponsorship, the Mentor-a-Child-Program where Total employees serve as mentors to the children from its sponsored houses.


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