Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Army tasks personnel on weapon handling, map reading

The military high command yesterday tasked its personnel on effective handling of weapons and map reading, saying both were vital aspects of soldiering.Consequently, the rank and file were enjoined to take the training seriously.
Garrison Commander, Maj.-Gen. John Malu, who gave the advice in Abuja during a general drill for corporals and other lower ranks, said the exercise also involved marching manoeuvres, physical fitness and obstacle crossing.
His words: “I enjoin you to particularly take the weapons’ handling and map reading training very seriously because a soldier who cannot handle his weapon is not a soldier even though he is competent in other trades.
“Our first and foremost concern is to know how to handle the weapons and I expect you to use this period to brush up your handling skill if it has become rusty, same with your map reading ability.”
He continued: “You should be able to find your position, move from point to point and return to base. That is the essence of soldiering.”Malu reminded the participants that the exercise was to re-awaken in them the military prowess and boost professionalism.
“Most of you have served as drivers and orderlies for a very long time and have lost touch with training.“It is on this basis that training like this is organised to bring back the soldiering in you,’’ he added.No fewer than 90 soldiers, drawn from various units and formations, partook in the yearly exercise.
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