Sunday, March 12, 2017

Only God could have done this! my kids married late...

For the newbies, the every Sunday KFB Only God Could Have Done This series, is an inspirational column that lets readers send in their testimonies of how God has been faithful to restore and rekindle hope in others. 
You can keep up with the other volumes you have missed (HERE) and also send in your testimonies via

Read today's testimony below as sent in by a KFBer:
Thanksgiving to the Almighty God set us free from captivity
Wonderful  God, Glorious God, Miracle God , I bow to Your name and before Your throne.
I acknowledge that You alone are worthy to receive all honor, all power,all adoration  and all glory .
Well, I'm a man in my late sixties and my wife, the mother of our children  who are now in their thirties is also in her late fifties.
Our problem then was that none of these three children -a male and females were all in  their 30s couple of years back yet not having anyone to bring home that they wanted to marry.
The joy of every parent is to see their children doing well in life- in marriage, career wise and in other areas.
They are not doing badly though,in their professions, but on this issue, we were groaning inside.
  We had prayed  and fasted. We decreed and bound , yet no answer
It seemed we were only knocking at closed door while time was moving fast.
Age was counting on us all
Then when everything  we knew to do had been done, it occurred to us that, 'Why not try praising God instead of making request on helping to find spouses for our grown up children.'
We therefore replaced prayer for husband or wife for these ones with thanksgiving to God for already having it done for them.
So we started declaring, ' Thank God for .......and his/her spouse. Thank You  Lord for settling them by Your own grace..'
This, we would tell God for each of them on daily basis
That is the reason I wrote the song above. My Lord has been very good and faithful to His Word..
Not quite two months after, the first child came home with his new found love. We were rejoicing over this when the second one brought her own.
This was how we were now left with choosing dates of marriage.
We thanked God for this also and in advance for making way for the family.
And indeed,  God, Who alone can break through powers and principalities, made way for  all of us.
In one year, two of them got married and the third one had her own the following year.
Jesus, Your name  destroys  yokes.
Late marriage yoke levelled for their sakes.
Now I'm a proud grand father.
Thanksgiving to God quickened  their divine settlement.
Praise the  Lord.!

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