Showing posts with label News. Show all posts
Showing posts with label News. Show all posts

Saturday, January 6, 2018

Governor Wike raises alarm over plot to make Rivers unsafe

Governor Nyesom Wike

Governor Nyesom Wike of Rivers said on Friday that there was an orchestrated plan to create the impression that Rivers was not safe through the promotion of targeted cult related killings.

Wike made the allegation when the Minister of Interior, Lt.-Gen. Abdulrahman Danbazzau (Rtd) paid him a courtesy call in Port Harcourt.

The governor said that the state government was ready to partner with the Federal Government to tackle the security challenges in the state.

He stated that the security agencies in the state had knowledge of the cult kingpins terrorizing flashpoints in the state.

“The security agencies have the profiles of all cult kingpins in different parts of the state and they know their locations, there is no wisdom in the politicization of security.

‘’Insecurity can affect anybody, you can never know the next victim of insecurity,’’ the governor stated.

Wike called on the security agencies and the Federal Government to deploy personnel to cult flashpoints in the state to stop repeated attacks by cultists.

“In every system, the security agencies know the flashpoints, here we requested for the strengthening of security around these flashpoints, especially areas with high prevalence of cultists.

‘’I expect that security would be beefed up in these places, I ask this question, Is there an orchestrated plan to tag Rivers State unsafe?

“Is the situation above the security agencies, despite the information we have made available to them?” the governor asked.

He accused oil multinationals for the escalation of cultism in some communities, adding that the multinationals had encouraged cultism through the award of surveillance contracts to cultists.

Wike lamented that having been funded by multinationals, cultists were able to purchase sophisticated weapons with which they caused mayhem on communities and law-abiding citizens.

He disclosed that the State Government had made several requests to the Inspector-General of Police to deploy special squads to tackle cultism and kidnapping in Rivers.

The governor stated that the Inspector-General of Police had failed to deploy special squads to the state, despite several requests by the State government.

“The peculiar nature of Rivers State requires peculiar intervention, before now, I have been shouting that we need support to fight crime, I have made this complaint severally,” he said.

Wike berated politicians who had wanted to adopt cult-related killings to play politics by making false allegations against the state.

Earlier, the Minister of Interior, Lt.-Gen. Danbazzau noted that he was in the State at the instance of President Muhammadu Buhari to assess the security situation.

The Minister on behalf of the President, condoled the government and the people of the State over the killings at Omoku.

“Rivers State is important to the country, particularly when it comes to the issue of the nation’s economy.

“It is very important that the Federal Government collaborates with the state to see how any security gap can be closed for adequate protection of lives and property, ” the Minister added.

Akwa Ibom jailbreak: 28 inmates still at large–CG

The Controller General of Nigeria Prisons Service (NPS) Mr Jaffaru Ahmed, has disclosed that 28 inmates of Ikot Ekpene Prisons that escaped during jailbreak on Dec. 27, 2017 were still at large.

Ahmed disclosed this to newsmen after an inspection of facilities in Ikot Ekpene Prisons on Friday.

The controller general, who described the facilities in Ikot Ekpene Prisons as well fortified, attributed the jailbreak to lapses on the part of prison staff.

“About 40 inmates found their way out of Ikot Ekpene Prisons in a broad daylight around 11.45 a.m.

“They took on the lapses that they saw, perhaps they have been planning it for a very long time and actualised it on December 27, 2017 when they saw the opportunity.

“The 28 that are at large are very hardened criminals; some of them are kidnappers awaiting trials, some are facing capital offences and therefore it is something to worry,” Ahmed said.

He lamented that those still at large supposed to be in custody to allow the other members of the society to live in peace.

He assured Akwa Ibom people and the entire nation that the fleeing inmates would soon be recaptured to face their trials.

He added that any staff found wanting would have to face the full wrath of the law.

The controller general debunked insinuations from some quarters that the jailbreak was due to infringement on the fundamental rights of the inmates.

He said, “These prisoners were not rioting because there was maladministration in the prison system, but they organised it in order to get freedom illegally. That is what actually happened.

“It was not that they were not being fed or given medical attention or not taken to court.

“Any insinuation anywhere, I state that investigation I have here before me, that there was nothing than they took lapses on the part of staff and organised to escape.”

Ahmed commended the Akwa Ibom Government for the support given to the Nigeria Prisons Service and appealed for more.

He thanked other sister security agencies for their cooperation and sought for more to enable the service to recaptured the fleeing inmates, to ensure peace and tranquillity in the state.

Friday, January 5, 2018

‘Late director embezzled pensioners’ funds’


The Kogi Government has explained that the late director in the Kogi State Civil Service, Alphonsus Ameh who died of heart attack was sacked due to his involvement in the fraudulent diversion of N225, 936, 425. 72 million Pensioners’ fund, according to the Chief Press Secretary (CPS) to the governor, Petra Onyegbule.

According to Onyegbule, the late Ameh confessed to the State Intelligence Bureau that he participated in the sharing of the looted funds. Onyegbule added that an emergency meeting of the committee was held on May 4, 2017, which drew the attention of the members to the report from the State Intelligence Bureau and the review of the same by State Auditor-General, Yusuf Okala. 

“The late Ameh confirmed to the committee that he received a sum of N2 million as his own share of the looted funds, which he thought was Christmas bonus.

“In the report, the auditor general recommended the immediate dismissal of all civil servants indicted in the police report. The committee said that he was guilty of the offence, since he affirmed his participation in the sharing of the funds, coupled with the fact that he (Ameh) had commenced refunding part of the money.

Onyegbule listed the culprits to include Florence Adewunmi, Chairperson of the Pensions Board; Haruna Amina Mudi, Director Accounts; Abdul Musa, Deputy Director Accounts; and Itodo Gabriel, Head of Accounts, all of the State Pension Board.

Killer herdsmen: Southern Nigeria forum deplore killings, indicts FG

The Southern Nigeria Forum (SNF) said yesterday that the serial killings in the country, especially those perpetrated by herdsmen, were indication that the federal government has woefully failed in its vow to protect the lives and property of the people.

While condemning the murder of innocent Nigerians in Benue, Taraba and Kaduna states by herdsmen, the Forum, in a statement by its Country Administrator, Rev. Okechukwu Obioha, said it was disheartening that the government has not taken a definite action to prevent further killings.

The statement, which asked government to immediately arrest and prosecute those behind the latest attacks, said Nigerians might no longer fold their arms and watch their relatives slaughtered daily in their homes by marauding herdsmen.

The Form noted: “In recent times, the peoples of the above mentioned states, especially, the people of Southern Kaduna and Agatu of Benue State, have endured relentless murderous assaults on their communities
by these so-called herdsmen.

“While the whole world celebrated the birth of Jesus Christ and the peace he brings and the New Year, these cruel merchants of death descended on communities in Benue State and slaughtered over 50 persons, as well as set fire to all their homes.

“The SNF, condemns, in very strong and unequivocal manner, the apparently endless murder of these innocent Nigerians by herdsmen and the seeming paralysis, which has characterised the response of government and its security forces to such destructive wastage of human and material resources by a group, which has now become so brazen and audacious in its activities that one wonders whether these criminals are not above Aso Rock.

“It is regrettable that despite the countless violent assaults against innocent peoples, the Federal Government has woefully failed to act in any decisive manner against these herdsmen.

“The SNF hereby calls on the President and security agencies to immediately take necessary steps to apprehend the culprits and as a matter of urgent national importance, provide adequate security for all the peoples of Benue, Taraba and Southern Kaduna in order to decisively put an end to the lawlessness of these murdering gang.

“The SNF assumes that the government is fully aware that unbridled violence is an ill wind that blows no one any good, and that every reasonable step must be taken to terminate such lunacy, as has been exhibited by these herdsmen.”

Government to prosecute marketers selling petrol above N145

Group Managing Director NNPC, Dr. Maikanti Baru(left); Minister of State For Petroleum, Dr. Ibe Kachukwu; and Permanent Secretary NNPC, Dr. Yemi Folasade- Ebun, during a press conference  on the clarification on increase of  fuel price in Abuja... yesterday Photo: Lucy Ladidi Elukpo

The Federal Government would prosecute any marketer that sells petrol above the recommended N145per litre, the Minister of State for Petroleum Resources, Dr. Ibe Kachikwu, has warned.

Speaking yesterday during a meeting of the committee set up by government to resolve grey areas in the supply of petrol, Kachikwu denied saying that marketers could be allowed to sell petrol above the prevailing N145 per litre.He said: “We are actually looking at those who have breached this process to see what we can do to penalise them and set stiff penalties for those who sell above N145 per litre.

“Going forward, there will be very massive enforcement, firm position and firm tracking of product within the country. Nobody deserves this up and down, in terms of product supply. “So, I want to make it very clear that there is no discussion on price increase issue. The price of petrol is N145 per litre and remains there. Nothing has changed and there is no mandate to increase that.”

The minister stated that there is no multiple price fixing environment where people can work outside of the umbrella of what has been fixed, adding: “What we approved was a modulation price within N135 and N145 per litre. There is no authorisation to sell petrol above N145per litre. No one is free to set the price above that range.”

He also hinted that plans were underway by the Petroleum Products Pricing Regulatory Agency (PPPRA) to review price template elements with a view to ensuring that marketers are allowed to participate in the process.According to him: “Obviously, the PPPRA develops price template and helps government monitor importation into the country so that we are sure of the actual volume that comes in and all that. Template has always been an issue, because as prices change in the international market, some of the items in the template have question marks.

“There are two lines over the template. There is actual cost of landing products and the second one is ancillary charges that have to do with logistics and profit margins for the operators, which are all below the line elements.

“As part of the work of this committee, we are also reviewing that template to see whether there are things we need to do, all in a bid to help us ensure that we can accommodate sales at the N145 per litre window. That is also going to be looked at.

“The PPPRA is working on that and the agency is hearing a special committee on that as well,” he explained.Kachikwu stressed that discourse on upward movement of petrol price is not for debate, saying: “This is very clear and it is not a matter for speculation and anybody who does speculation on it is not being helpful to Nigerians.

“Nigerians have already gone through a difficult Christmas period. We are working night and day to try and find solutions. It is not a political issue and people should step out of that goalpost. “We want to provide succour to Nigerians and provide petrol at N145 per litre. That is the presidential mandate and that is the Federal Executive Council (FEC) mandate. Nobody is having a deliberation on that.”

He insisted that government was working very hard to see that Nigerians have access to petrol within the N145 price parameter that it has been set.Meanwhile, a former Group Executive Director (GED), Exploration and Production, Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC), Abiye Membere, has called on government to learn from the mistakes of the past and adopt “progressive subsidy withdrawal” model, which he said would entail timed withdrawal of subsidy in small bits that would not have big impacts on petrol price until subsidy is phased out.

Membere said alternatively, government could tie pump price to crude oil price, as applicable in other derivatives, such as base oil and in advanced countries.

“For instance, as soon as crude oil price is $5 above the current price, there will be an increase in pump price of petrol by a percentage and when it drops, we need to see a similar percentage drop in pump price.

“Nigeria must find an appropriate price for petrol, just as it did to diesel. The public must be told when withdrawal of subsidy will happen and then plan for it. What we are doing right now is cut and paste, instead of adopting a more sustainable method.

“The Federal Government must also make provisions for the cushioning of the effects of increased petrol price on the citizenry, especially at this period, where prices of foodstuff is high. We have to be very careful and react fast to developing the sustainable model. If not, its impact on the economy might take the country back to lower GDP growth and if persistent, take us back to recession, as our economy might not be able to sustain high subsidy payments.

“If crude oil goes to $80 per barrel, the Nigerian economy would be in bigger trouble, as the subsidy payments will also go up, especially if some unpatriotic Nigerians get involved and decide to take products outside our borders to sell at higher prices and make huge profits illegally.

“The time to act is now and the parastatals in charge of fixing pump prices should be ahead of the game with monthly convincing data and transparent model that the country can support to sustain our fragile economy.”

Towing the same line of argument, Dr. Mohammed Ibrahim, a former special assistant on Petroleum to former Head of State, Gen. Abdulsalami Abubakar, warned that the return of unauthorised subsidy regime would crash the naira and might likely engender social upheaval that has never been witnessed in the history of Nigeria.

Ibrahim also blamed lack of clear policy direction by the present government for instabilities recorded in the sector in the last two and half years, adding: “This government is confused about what to do, because there is no clear policy direction on the energy sector. The administrators do not understand the hydrocarbon sector at all.

“Unapproved subsidy will throw up social upheavals that have never been witnessed in the history of Nigeria, because this is a major year for election. Offering dollar to marketers at N305 to the dollar, waivers on import duties and subsidy price regime are not sustainable.“While we can sell crude oil at $80 per barrel, Nigeria will be spending about $200 per barrel on imported petrol. I can bet that the naira will not survive beyond 60 days and will exchange for N1000 to one dollar.”

While the Kano-born energy expert said there was urgent need to rejig the sector, he submitted that Dangote Refinery would kill the existing three refineries in the country. He stressed: “The optimism that Dangote Refinery will solve our problems when it comes on stream in 18 months is grossly misplaced. The Jamnagar Refinery, which is the biggest refinery in the world, is a private sector crude oil refinery owned by Reliance Industries in Jamnagar, Gujarat, India, commissioned on July 14, 1999, refining 1,240,000 barrels per day, has only 600 employees running it.

“Our own Kaduna Refinery is by far smaller and has about 3,000 employees. This shows that Dangote will be run by fewer people and more efficient and will push the present refineries into their graves within a very short period of time.“What happened to NITEL is what will happen to the present refineries. Dangote Refinery will sell at international price and government will have to pay subsidy to Dangote to supply products at international market.

“Yet, I see senior government officials celebrating Dangote Refinery, while declining to rehabilitate government owed ones.”He declared that the Federal Government must adopt international best practices to address domestic supply of petrol and refrain from engaging in unapproved subsidy regime.

Troops wound Bok ’Haram factional leader, kill scores of insurgents in Borno

The Theatre Commander of Operation Lafiya Dole, Maj-Gen. Rogers Nicholas, has disclosed that the factional leader of Boko Haram, Mamman Nur, was injured in yesterday’s coordinated military bombardment of the Lake Chad region in Borno State.

He said several of Nur’s foot soldiers were also killed in the three-day military operations.Nicholas, in a statement by Col. Onyema Nwachukwu, Operation Lafiya Dole’s Deputy Director, Public Relations, stated: “Nur has been fatally injured in the coordinated bombardments, as he and sub-commanders fled from the onslaught.

“Several of his foot soldiers have also been killed by troops, while many of the insurgents who escaped are now surrendering to Republic of Niger Defence Forces, following the amnesty granted the insurgents by the government.”

Atiku denies being chief financier of cattle breeders

Former Vice President, Atiku Abubakar

Former Vice President Atiku Abubakar has dismissed allegations linking him as the chief financier of Miyetti Allah Cattle Breeders Association of Nigeria (MACBAN).

A statement in Abuja by his media aide, Paul Ibe, said: “It is very disheartening that in this period of intense grief in Benue State, Chief Paul Unongo would choose to level these sad and false allegations on the person of Atiku, who he erroneously described as the chief financier of MMACBAN.

“Yes, Atiku is a Fulani and proud to be one and has never hidden that fact. However, he is a thoroughly detribalised Nigerian that would never favour one ethnic group over another.”
The statement recalled that during the massive flood in the state last year, which affected over 100,000 families, Atiku, who is the Zege Mule U Tiv, donated cash to the state government for the care of the victims, a development befitting of man, whose Tiv traditional title means, ‘the biggest shade of the Tiv people.’
Ibe said it is strange that Unongo chose to neglect that act of love and care from the former vice president to the people of Benue and his call on the federal government to do more to assist the flood ravaged communities.
“Let it be known that though Waziri Adamawa is a Fulani, he is not a member of MACBAN, nor has he ever been a member. He has also never discussed about that group with Unongo.
“Furthermore, Atiku enjoins that a thorough investigation be made into the killings in Benue and anyone found culpable be made to bear the full weight of the law.

“Atiku prays for the souls of the departed and as a traditional title holder of Tivland, he assures the entire people of Benue (including the Idoma and Igede) that he would do everything in his power to bring justice, relief and compensation their way.”

Seven herdsmen arraigned in Makurdi for killing, violation of anti-open grazing law 


Seven herdsmen arrested in connection with the invasion and killing of persons in two councils of Benue State, and one other for grazing on Governor Samuel Ortom’s farm, have been arraigned before a Makurdi Chief Magistrate Court, presided over by Isaac Ajim.

The six accused persons, who were arraigned for criminal conspiracy, mischief by fire, anti- open grazing, causing crevices hurt with dangerous weapons and culpable homicide, include Ibrahim Saleh, Jibrin Adamu, Magaji Yau, Ibrahim Abubakar, Useni Bala, Sabin Yau, while Ibrahim Mallam was arraigned for grazing on Ortom’s farm along Naka Road in Makurdi.

According to the First Information Report (FIR), on December 31, last year, at about 11:50pm, one Menga Mgande of Akor village in Guma Council reported to the Police at Gbajmba that on the same date, around 3:00pm, a group of Fulani herdsmen attacked her village, shooting sporadically, and in the process killed 19 persons while severely injuring them with deep cuts all over their bodies.

It said Police investigation led to the arrest of the six accused, who also destroyed houses, crops and burnt down many buildings.The accused were also arraigned for openly rearing their cows within farmlands at Akor village in Guma Council, thus contravening Section 97, 329, 333 and 222 of the Penal Code, Law of Benue State, and Section 19(2)(3) of the Open Grazing Prohibition and Ranches Establishment law of Benue State, 2017.

When the case came up, no plea was taken for want of jurisdiction, but prosecution counsel, Edward Imoh, asked for another date.The presiding Chief Magistrate, Ajim, noted that the court could not grant the accused persons bail, because the charges against them were very grave, and adjourned the case until March 5, this year, for further mention.

He ordered that they be remanded at the Federal Prison in Makurdi.Reacting to the court proceeding, counsel to the accused, Almustapha Elegu, said he did not raise any objection to the proceeding because there was no basis for that at the moment, saying at the appropriate time, the case would be moved to the High Court.

LG autonomy will strengthen our democracy, says Rep spokesman

Abdulrazak Namdas

House of Representatives committee chairman on Information and Communications, Abdulazak Namdas, has urged state Houses of Assembly to consider the local government autonomy law, pointing out that it will make Nigeria’s democracy stronger.

Namdas, representing Toungo, Jada, Genyi and Mayo- Belwa federal constituency in Adamawa state told journalists yesterday that the independency of all tiers of government would not only reduce the work load on the other tiers of government, but would also create a conducive environment for administrative operations.

He said that people in positions of authority should always put the interest of the country above their private interests to avoid system collapse, adding that the powers to restructure Nigeria is not with the president, but with the National Assembly.

Namdas who urged Nigerians not to express any fear about the president’s national broadcast concerning restructuring, pointed out that both chambers of the National Assembly are working on modalities that can reposition Nigeria for effective economic and administrative operations.On Atiku Abubakar’s defection, who is also from Namdas’s constituency, the lawmaker said that Atiku did not break any law.
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Bayelsa traders bemoan continued closure of market

Governor Seriake Dickson of Bayelsa.

Bayelsa auto spare parts traders have lamented the continued closure of the Mechanic Village at Tombia, Yenagoa Local Government area of the state capital. 

The traders claimed that the Village has been closed for three weeks by the state government through the Ministry of Trade and Investment. The Chairman, Auto Spare Parts Association, Bayelsa State chapter, Okoli Sunday, said the village was closed down on December 18, 2017 over allegations of non-payment of rent by traders.

Okoli who countered the claim, noted that traders had paid through the Nigerian Automobile Technicians Association, which is in charge of the shops. He urged the government to direct their searchlight to NATA and some ministry collaborators, who were in a better position to explain what went wrong.

Okoli also explained that out of 484 shops in the village, only 78 were being accounted for while the remaining ones went into the private pockets of the alleged collaborators. He noted that the closure of the village had inflicted untold hardship on the traders, calling on the state government to consider their plights, reopen the village and create room for dialogue.

Also speaking on the matter, President of Ohanaeze Youth Council, Bayelsa State chapter, Chinedu Arthur-Ugwa and the Chairman, Igbo Traders Association, Paul Odurukwe, described the situation as worrisome.

They appealed to the state government to wade in immediately and investigate the claims of the auto spare parts traders, dominated by Igbos, lamenting that the situation rendered the traders stranded during the Yuletide, as they could not cater for their families. 

Two feared dead as cultists seize Cross River community

Resident of Iso-Bendege Community in Boki Local Council of Cross River State were forced to flee into the bush on New Year Day, when their celebration was cut short following rival cults war in the community.

The cult groups bunt down houses and two persons, believed to be members of one of the cults, were killed.Some members of the community have since been hiding in the bush with their families for fear of being killed.

One of the victims, Ada (other name withheld), who informed a friend living in Calabar from her hideout in the bush through SMS on Wednesday night that almost all residents of the community fled into the bush.

“Please, don’t call me. I can’t talk for the fear of being found out. There is war in the community and we are all in the bush.“They were burning down our houses and they were killing anybody in sight. I don’t know how many people they have killed, but as at yesterday, before we ran out of the village, two persons were already dead,” she lamented.

When contacted, the Police Public Relation Officer, Irene Ugbo, confirmed the incident, adding that two persons were killed by one of the cult groups, while a policeman was shot.

Ugbo said: “The Police is aware of the incident. I think it is a cult-related issue, but by the grace of God, we have been able to deploy our men of PMS and our conventional policemen there to make sure the area is calm.

“As hard as it is, when our men were deployed earlier, they were attacked and one policeman was shot. Nevertheless, the area is calm now. “Military personnel have also been deployed.”

Lawyer dismisses corruption allegations against Ex-Lagos CJ

Justice Olufunmilayo Atilade

A renowned lawyer, Olugbenga Babatunde yesterday said allegations of financial impropriety leveled against former Chief Judge of Lagos, Justice Olufunmilayo Atilade were baseless and were made to tarnish her image.

There have been rumours that the former CJ is under probe for mismanaging the state judiciary funds while she was in charge.But Babatunde said nothing could be further from the truth, challenging anyone with evidence to come forward or be quiet.

According to him, all through her stay in office, the National Judicial Council (NJC), responsible for disciplining judges, never issued Atilade a query over her conduct, let alone acts of corruption.

Babatunde regretted that many unfounded stories and insinuations have been coming from the top hierarchy of the Lagos State High Court against Atilade who took over the baton from her elder sister, Justice Ayotunde Phillips.

According to him, the invitation of Atilade’s former Personal Assistant by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) for questioning had nothing to do with her integrity or activities whilst in office.

Babatunde, who is over 30 years at the Bar, said the allegations were borne from petty jealousy by those who feel bitter about Atilade’s immediate succession after her sister, urging the public to disregard claims by unnamed senior officers who he said were spreading the falsehood.

The lawyer said the leadership of the judiciary would be more productive if they spent their time and energy in consolidating on Atilade’s legacies and moving the judiciary forward “instead of creating distractions and spreading unfounded rumours.”

INEC prepares for Anambra central re-run

Photo Credit; rockcityfmradio

…Court Summons INEC, 29 others Over Re-Run, Okonkwo Seeks Committal Of INEC Chairman

Despite the Abuja High court ruling, the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) said it has commenced activities towards conducting the Anambra Central Senatorial re-run election scheduled to hold on January 13, 2018.

The state Resident Electoral Commissioner, Nkwachkwu Orji who affirmed that the rerun must hold as scheduled, said personnel and officials to be deployed have since commenced training, insisting that her legal department studied the judgments and asked it to go ahead with the election as ordered by the court of appeal as against Tsoho Federal High Court judgement.

The zone has been without a senator since 2015 when a Court of Appeal, Enugu Division, sacked Uche Ekwunife who won the election to represent the zone. The Court asked INEC to conduct a rerun in the district within 90 days while disqualifying Ekwunife and her political party, the Peoples Democratic Party from participating in the rerun.

The PDP challenged its exclusion at the Federal High Court, Abuja which the court granted judgement to it favour. On appeal, by the candidate of the All Progressive Grand Alliance, Victor Umeh and APGA contended that PDP would not field a candidate in the rerun since it was on its instance that the election was nullified on December 7, 2015.

However on 13th December, a federal high court in Abuja, presided by Justice John Tsoho, declared that Obiora Okonkwo, a PDP candidate is the senator representing Anambra central senatorial zone. Tsoho also directed INEC to issue Okonkwo certificate of return, even as he ordered the senate president to swear in Okonkwo as the senator for Anambra Central senatorial district.

Following attempts by INEC to go ahead with the election, an Abuja Federal High Court, has summoned the commission to appear before it and show cause why it should not be restrained from conducting the January 13 scheduled rerun election.

The court also summoned ‎28 other parties to the vexed senatorial contest, including Umeh, APGA, Flint Ikechukwu Obiekwe, UPP, Chris Ngige, the APC, Oyeh Mercy Uche; Accord, Oby Kate Okafor, ACD, Anayo Nweke and the ADC.

Others are Christopher Chukwendu; Citizens Popular Party (CPP); Okafor Ikechukwu; Independent Democrats (ID); Chief Dennis Oguguo; Kowa Party (KP) and Kingsley Nwafor; Ekweozoh Nkem; Mega Progressive Peoples Party (MPPP); Ubakamma Ikenna; National Conscience Party (NCP); Charles Ekwueme; People For Democratic Change (PDC); Igwilo Michael and Progressive Peoples Alliance (PPA).

They are expected to appear in court on Wednesday, January ‎10, 2018; for definite hearing on the suit brought by the candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Obiora Okonkwo.

Issuing the summons yesterday in Abuja, Justice Babatunde Quadri directed that all court processes relating to the case be served on the 2nd to 29th defendants through the registered offices of their political ‎parties.

Apart from the contempt proceedings, the plaintiff has similarly asked the Abuja division of the Federal High Court to stop INEC from conducting the re-run election for the senatorial seat scheduled for January 13, 2018, contending that he has already been declared winner of the election by a court of competent jurisdiction.

Reps member declares intention to occupy Imo government house in 2019

Tony Nwulu

House of Representatives member representing Oshodi- Isolo Federal Constituency under the political platform of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Tony Chinedu Nwulu, yesterday declared his aspiration to contest the governorship election in Imo State come 2019.

Addressing journalists in Owerri, Nwulu said he is prepared to take over from Rochas Okorocha after consulting widely with the people he represents in the House of Representatives and Imo people, noting that he would address the legion of needs of the state in view of his experience as a federal lawmaker.

Accompanied by veteran Nollywood actor, Kanayo O. Kanayo, the 38 -year- old said if given the opportunity to govern Imo state, he would correct the ills of past governments, including insecurity, industrialization and unemployment.

He opined that retirees problems would be solved by building what he called ''Elderly Recreation Park, medical centres, adding that schools would be handed back to the missions with Fund Management to ensure affordability.

The founder and owner of Peoples Television said he would work with journalists and ensure that Nollywood receives a boost.He promised to present 11 critical bills to the State House of Assembly in order to fast track socio-economic activities, including fixing issues of lack of access to potable water.

Nwulu, disclosed that he has intension to build equipped research centres in Owerri, Okigwe and Orlu zones, consisting of ICT centre in Owerri zone, Engineering research centre in Okigwe and Biochemical/ medical research facility in Orlu zone, noting that he would search for the best brains even from the diaspora to form his cabinet.

Abductors of Kukah’s brother demand N100m ransom

Bishop Matthew Hassan Kukah

The abductors of Chief Yohanna Kukah, a brother of the Catholic Bishop of Sokoto, Bishop Matthew Hassan, have made a demand of N100 million before he could be released.

Yohanna, the Agwam Akulu, was kidnapped in Zangon Kataf Council of Kaduna State on Tuesday, January 2, this year, along with one of his security guards by gunmen, who stormed his house and started shooting sporadically.

Since then, the traditional ruler had been out of reach, until yesterday, when his kidnappers made contact, demanding the payment of N100million as ransom.

At press time, efforts to confirm the development from the Kaduna State Police Public Relations Officer, Muktar Aliyu, proved abortive, as he did not respond to calls to his telephone line.But sources said there was a sigh of relief, following the establishment of contact with the abductors.

IGP promises to ensure compliance with Benue anti-open grazing law

Inspector-General of Police, Ibrahim Idris

The Inspector General of Police (IGP), Ibrahim Idris, has expressed the readiness of the Nigerian Police Force (NPF) to ensure the total compliance with the Benue Anti-Open Grazing law, warning that violators would be made to face the full wrath of the law.

Idris’ representative and the Deputy Inspector General of Police (DIG), Operations, Joshar Habila, said he was in the state at the instance of the IGP in view of the recent killings.

The Police boss said the aim of the visit was to go round the affected areas, assess the current situation on ground and ensure adequate security of lives and properties.
“We are working jointly with other security agencies to build confidence in the mind of residents and reassured them of adequate protection. “More security operatives will be deployed to the state and we have also agree to increase our logistics, as our helicopters are already flying to the flashpoints to ensure safety of the communities,” he stated.

He said the Police was working tirelessly with the government to strengthen the communication apparatus of the state command for effective outreach and appealed to the public to always volunteer information to the security operatives to help them function better.
He commiserated with the family of the dead and injured and appealed for calm from all the parties, assuring that the Police would soon bring perpetrators of the dastardly act to book.

El-Rufai reshuffles cabinet, appoints new commissioners

Kaduna State governor Nasir El-Rufai PHOTO: TWITTER/ GOVERNOR KADUNA

Kaduna state governor Nasir El-Rufai has effected a cabinet reshuffle, as commissioners and other top government officials have been relieved of their positions.

The governor said in a statement by his spokesman, Samuel Arunwan, yesterday, that the changes follow the vacancy created following the death of the Commissioner of Education, Jonathan Andrew Nok. Accordingly, it was announced that two new commissioners are to join the state cabinet. 

They are Ruth Geoffrey Alkali, Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism, and Ibrahim Hamza, pioneer Director-General of the Kaduna Facility Management Agency (KADFAMA) who was appointed for the Ministry of Water Resources. 

Under the reshuffled cabinet, the commissioners that are assuming new portfolios include, Manzo Maigari who has been moved from the Ministry of Commerce, Industry & Tourism to the Ministry of Agriculture & Forestry, and Kabir Mato who has been moved from the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry to the Ministry for Local Government.

Others are Ja’afaru Sani who is moving from the Ministry for Local Government to the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, Balabara Aliyu-Inuwa is moving from the Ministry of Rural and Community Development to the Ministry of Works, Housing and Transport and Hassan Usman Mahmud has moved from the Ministry of Works, Housing and Transport to the Ministry of Rural and Community Development.

Meanwhile, the commissioners that retained their offices are Umma Hikima, Ministry of Justice, Suleiman Abdu Kwari, Ministry of Finance, Dr. Paul Dogo, Ministry of Health and Human Services, Muhammed Sani Abdullahi, Planning and Budget Commission, Amina Dyeris Sijuwade, Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources, Daniel Amuze DanAuta, Ministry of Youth, Sports and Culture, Hafsat Mohammed Baba, Ministry of Women Affairs & Social Development and Alhaji Shehu Balarabe.

Residents flee Bayelsa community over beheading of security official

Governor Seriake Dickson

Paris Club Refunds: Govt Commits N5.6bn To Salary Arrears

Residents of Ndoro community in Ekeremor Council of Bayelsa State have fled the area following the alleged beheading of a security operative by militants.

A resident, Henshaw Ebi, told the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) yesterday that the security official was negotiating with a militants’ leader in the area to surrender their arms when the incident occurred.

“The community was thrown into apprehension and people began to flee in droves since Monday when the lifeless body of the ‘security emissary’ was seen in the community without his head.“The victim cannot be identified, because he is in plain cloth.

“The fear is that the military might come after those responsible any moment from now and invade the community.“The community has been deserted due to fear of imminent manhunt for the militants behind the dastardly act,” Ebi said.

However, the Bayelsa Government, in reaction to the development, said yesterday that there was no cause for alarm and urged fleeing members of the community to return home, as the situation had been brought under control.

Commissioner for information, Daniel Iworiso-Markson, said the assurance came in the wake of a meeting among Governor Seriake Dickson, security chiefs, officials of the military high command, leaders and stakeholders of the community and the member representing Sagbama/Ekeremor Federal Constituency in the House of Representatives, Fred Agbedi.

Iworiso-Markson said it was resolved that the military would move into the community and restore normalcy, while the government would begin a peace process.He expressed regret over its occurrence and called on those who had fled to return, as their safety was now guaranteed and they could go about their normal businesses, with the presence of the military in the area.

Meanwhile, Dickson has authorised the release of N5.6 billion out of the state’s share of N13.5 billion Paris Club Debt refund to pay one and half months’ salary arrears owed workers last year.Workers in the state civil service are being owed four and half months salary, while workers in the local government system are owed between 14 and 16 months arrears.

The governor had announced the plan to pay one and half out of the outstanding four and half months’ salary backlog on Thursday at a meeting of top government officials, Labour leaders and their representatives, on the Paris Club Fund received in the state in December.

A statement yesterday by his Special Adviser on Media Relations, Fidelis Soriwei, said government received N14.8 billion from the Federal Government, made up of N13.5 billion for the state and N1.37 billion for the councils.Labour leaders at the meeting declined to speak on the government offer, saying it fell below workers’ expectation.

One of them, who spoke on condition of anonymity, stated: “We were not part of the decision to pay one and half months out of the outstanding four and half months.

“The least we expected was three months; we were merely informed of the decision and were not even allowed to make comments.“We leave our fate in the hands of God; we are all disappointed, because the President had directed that the refunds be channeled to clear outstanding salaries even before Christmas.“But the state government chose to pay part of the arrears.”

Group want National Assembly to investigate FIRS over employment scam

The Kebbi State Youth Vanguard for President Buhari has made a passionate appeal to the National Assembly to investigate some job advertisements that was placed by the Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS) in some newspapers last year.

According to the group, FIRS secretly invited some individuals to their training school in Durumi, Abuja and gave them immediate appointments, individuals that didn’t apply for the jobs.
In a press briefing yesterday, the leader of the group, Issa Issa stated that the federal agency employed some people through the back door. According to the group, for over 12 years, the FIRS has been operating without a board, going on to accuse the body of nepotism, leaving those without godfathers in the FIRS without jobs. He called on the president, the senate president and the Kebbi state governor to look into this act of injustice urgently.

As economic situation worsens, UBTH waives N35m patients’ bill


The management of the University of Benin Teaching Hospital (UBTH) yesterday lamented the rising cases of patients not being able to pay their medical bills which it said has forced the hospital to subsidise medical bills in the face of scarce resources.
Chief Medical Director of the hospital, Darlington Obaseki, said the hospital gave a waiver of N35million between January-December 2017 to patients. He spoke to reporters at the celebration of his 50th birthday. According to him, “We discovered that many couldn’t pay their bills due to the general economic situation and we can´t turn people back. As at December 2017, we gave waiver of over N35million bills owed by patients and that is a lot of money that we really cant afford,” he stated.
Speaking on how his administration ended incessant strike action by staff of the hospital, Obaseki explained, “We will go the extra mile to make them happy because that is the key to motivating them. My dream is that in the next four years, we will not experience any local strike.”   
“For a hospital as big as UBTH, we expect to have back up generators and this is one of the major issues we have. We are hoping to get more funds to get more equipment,” he stated.